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Advice and Safety Tips While Experiencing Power Outage

Power Outage Electrician Testing Switchboard Cartoon

Don't find yourself unprepared in the dark! With unpredictable weather conditions, power outages can occur, but worry not, because we've got you covered with useful safety measures to protect your home and loved ones.

Localised Power Outage Or Grid Wide?

Is your power cut specific to your home? Or is it a street or suburb-wide issue? Our expert electricians in Wodonga can provide the assistance you need.

Loss Of Electricity? Plan Ahead!

Preemptive planning is key during power outages. Assembling an emergency kit consisting of essential items such as a torch, batteries, first-aid kit, water, non-perishable food, matches, and candles can literally be a lifesaver. And remember, our furry friends need consideration too!

What To Do During A Power Outage

First things first, and this is where your planning comes in handy. If it’s dark out, go grab your torch and go take a look in your meter box and inspect the switchboard. All of the safety switches should be in the ‘ON’ position, if this is the case then it’s most likely a suburb wide event. Go check with your next door neighbours, give them a call or knock. You might even see they still have lights on before you get to them. Either way, you gain the knowledge you need to understand why you might have lost electricity.

Suburb Wide Power Outage

Obviously if they also don’t have power, then there isn’t anything you can do but wait for the electrical distributor to fix it. For those on the Victorian side in Wodonga, that’s AusNet Services. And in Albury on the New South Wales side, the distributor is Essential Energy. 

Here are their contact details if you need to report an issue:

Albury Electricity Distributor - Essential Energy - 13 20 80

Wodonga Electricity Distributor - AusNet Services - 13 17 99

Electrician Fixing Electricity Cartoon

Isolated Power Outage

When the lights go out, it's crucial to ensure all appliances are switched off to prevent electrical surges upon power restoration. The chances are low because both the home and appliances today usually have built in power surge protection. However, you should never rely on this and it’s always best to do a quick walk around and switch off the more important things connected to electricity. 

Computers, TV’s, Air Conditioning and Fridges are the more expensive items that you don’t want to be at risk. 

Also, refrain from frequently opening refrigerators and freezers to maintain their internal temperature as long as possible.

Children frightened of the dark? Turn the outage into an exciting adventure with board games and storybooks. And if the temperature is a concern, consider investing in alternative heating and cooling solutions.

For any isolated power outage due to faulty wiring in your home, safety switch fault, circuit breaker/blow fuse or unknown issue, contact us.

What Causes Power Outages?

Power outages can be caused by a variety of factors around Albury/Wodonga.

Common causes include extreme weather conditions, equipment failure, and human error.

Extreme weather conditions such as storms, heatwaves, or bushfires can cause power outages by damaging power lines and other infrastructure. Strong winds and lightning strikes are also major culprits of power outages in Australia.

Equipment failure can be caused by ageing infrastructure, lack of maintenance, or unexpected technical issues. This can lead to a breakdown in the power system and result in blackouts across certain areas.

Human error is another significant factor contributing to power outages. Mistakes made during routine maintenance work or accidents involving equipment can disrupt the flow of electricity and cause widespread power outages.

In recent years, the increasing demand for electricity has also put strain on the power grid, particularly during peak usage times. This can lead to overloading and triggering automatic shutdown systems to prevent damage or fires.

Emergency Electrician Cartoon

Protect Your Electronics and Appliances

Avoid any contact with electrical devices, cords, or wires if you think they might be damaged.

We previously mentioned switching the power off at the wall for larger appliances like TVs. This precautionary step can help to prevent unforeseen damage due to sudden voltage or power surges when the electrical supply resumes.

Concerned about the state of your fuse box or safety switch? Don't hesitate to contact a certified electrician for a thorough inspection and expert advice on its safety.

Once the power returns, remember to check for any irregularities in your appliances and discard any food that seems off. And if you ever suspect any electrical damage, don't hesitate to reach out to Electricians Wodonga, your trusted Albury-Wodonga emergency electrician provider.

We're always ready to ensure your safety. Don't let a power outage catch you off guard, stay prepared with these tips and our expert services.

Last updated September 2024.



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